【交大人社中心海洋亞洲系列講座】3/11 (二) Dr. Leo M. Douw 專題演講

  • 2014/03/11(周二) 13:30(+0800) ~ 15:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 交通大學綜合一館314R 會議室 / 新竹市大學路1001號交大綜合一館
  • 1 / 30
  • 國立交通大學人文與社會科學研究中心 聯絡主辦單位

Dr. Leo M. Douw為荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學政治與社會文化科學教授(Faculty of Political and Socio-Cultural Sciences, University of Amsterdam),畢業自 Leiden University 後,研究 取向為中國商業網絡、外資企業在中國、臺灣殖民時期歷史與中國思想史,尤其對於 1930 年代起西方社會理論如何中國思想史的領域上更是深耕已久。

 本次演講 Dr. Leo M. Douw 將呈現近年來的精彩研究,講題為 "Migrations across the Strait of Taiwan under Japanese colonialism1895-1945 - A case of intra-ethnic identity formation",藉由歐陸學界學術思維與研究方法使與會者更加認識臺灣在地歷史,以及在全球移民歷史中的地位, 進而拓展學科的認識視野。


※ 本活動備有輕食茶點,請於3/9 前報名,謝謝。


Migrations across the Strait of Taiwan under Japanese colonialism


A case of intra-ethnic identity formation

Dr. L.M. Douw


The rediscovery of “Overseas Chinese” having existed in Taiwan came as a shock to many in China and Taiwan after it was made during the late 1980s. How could Overseas Chinese, being Chinese living outside China ever have lived in Taiwan, which according to the prevalent political discourses on both sides of the Taiwan Strait had for all its existence been an integral part of China? Yet they did, and serious scholarship was devoted to their lives and predicament under Japanese colonialism. An equally embarrassing, but quite different problem was the re-emergence of the Taiwan-registered people, migrants from Taiwan, who had lived in several South Chinese treaty ports during the same period, but spread also to China’s Northern port cities and to Southeast Asia. The problem with them was, that they got a very bad name at the time, which resonated in later historiography. This talk is meant to discuss, how these populations of settlers developed over time, and argues in passing, that their formation resulted from Japan’s and China’s colonial interactions, and not, as is obvious in this case, from the settlers’ ethnic identifications.






交通大學綜合一館314R 會議室 / 新竹市大學路1001號交大綜合一館


票種 販售時間 售價

2014/03/04 09:00(+0800) ~ 2014/03/09 23:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費

1 報名人